On PBS, the head of the International Rescue Committee from London condemn President Trump for his action in Iran, then blame most of the world’s refugee problems on Warlords in countries in Africa and Mideast that bomb buses of school children and take over cities, villages, and countries with “Impunity”. His hippocratic words. If no one draws the line, and enforces it of course people will suffer.
Media and Democrats tried to call it “Benghazi” at first . Now Iranians are allowed to protest! TRAITORS!!
Freedom, liberty, equality and justice for all.
Treat the symptoms forever or solve the problem. President Trump knows the difference. Congress doesn’t. Or, is that how Politicians become multimillionaires? Constantly applying treatments. Gotta ask why do same things same way if they don’t work. Must work for someone.
Haiti was devastated a decade ago. 10 billion in Global aid. Didn’t get any, still a mess. Where did it go? Just an example. Pigs looking for troughs, just carnivores!
Even PBS is disgusting, Judy W, finished tonight by saying, “The Democrats have concluded their arguments in convicting President Trump!” Fair, balanced my horse derriere and everything that flows out smell better.
Every word they use convicts unless it’s a Democrat, then is a defense or praise! I miss Gwen Ifel, both sides of the story. Words are bullets from the barrel of my brain. My body is the trigger, my spirit the aim!