Thought Thief

Tired of getting my "Bell" Rung

Thought Thief

I thought I was just a Thought Thief. Started at Home, schooled by Parents, then by Church, Encyclopedias, Nuns, and Public Schools and Libraries with Ideas to steal. Then TV, Music, Faxes, Computers, and cell phones. Now the Package in a Pill, the Internet. Easy to swallow, which pill. Red or Blue? Open Wide…. 2020 It’s about saying what you did and doing what you say!!!!!

Finally a “Space” command among the Military Commands. Do we need a “Cyber” Command?

Threats are like fighting an Octopus, large and more appendages than me. Always ravenous. I dealt with hackers, took a Prof server over, infested it with chit and had to rebuild. Students were using it, mid semester. PITA, PAIN IN THE ASS.